
What would it look like if we prayed every day?

Not just for the big things, but the small ones too. Then, after praying, what if we got up from that place and genuinely trusted God to be in control?

I have a feeling that we’d be walking more restfully, joyfully and fruitfully. Our minds would not be anxiously preparing each moment, interaction, and opportunity. Instead, we could restfully trust in God to be who He says He is and watch Him fulfill his victories one day at a time. Our hearts would not feel the burden of responsibility to accomplish more than we’re asked. Rather, we would be open to listen for a still small voice that leads to God’s work. Our spirits would not fall into self- sufficiency, which quenches the Spirit and results in nothing. Instead, we would abide in Him who produces fruit and faith that leads to heart worship.

There are some distinctions between fear and faith that lead us out of death and into abundant life. The spiritual discipline of prayer takes care of tomorrow, and next week, and next year. If we can pray, then we can rest, and if we can rest, then we can trust God with tomorrow. This is so much more than letting go of control; it’s believing that Jesus really did come to Earth as a man, die for our sins and defeat the grave. If Jesus really did this, then how can we doubt tomorrow? If the Kingdom of Heaven has been prepared for our arrival, is not tomorrow readied too?

Bruce Wilkinson, in The Prayer of Jabez, said “Simply put, God favors those who ask. He holds back nothing from those who want and earnestly long for what He wants.” This is my challenge to you. Pray earnestly for tomorrow, and walk boldly today. After living like this, evaluate the desires, opportunities, and trust that God provides. My guess is that favor will follow your faithful prayers.

Chelsea Vaughn