Whale Watching in Australia

Whale watching was of the top 2 experiences I have ever had. Both the longing in anticipation and the thrill of seeing movement are wondrously surreal.

We took a boat out to the middle of the waters and stayed still and quiet. We eagerly awaited the signs of movement, and I prayed we would see something- anything. We waited and jovially laughed with each ripple in the waters. Finally, after almost an hour, a massive whale breached out of the ocean. Everyone on the boat stood in complete silence, shocked with the beauty and size of it. Then, three more showed themselves in the same magnificent way. They slapped the waters with their tails, with the fins, and played with one another. It was unbelievable and had started without any prompting or preparation.

If you go, know that it is an all- day thing. You wait, and you endure, and you hope with patience. And when they do finally breach, it is a sight to be seen. The playfulness of the whales is comical, endearing, and they flirt! The beauty of them is stunning. But more than anything, the whole experience was incredibly humbling. These massive creatures are swimming deep below in the ocean. They are bigger than I could’ve fathomed. They showed me how small I am. It made me consider, “if I am humbled by how massive a whale is then I can’t begin to imagine the humbling of being in the presence of God.” His wonder, his grace, his sovereignty, and the depth of his love. There is no comprehension of these things.

It also reminded me that there’s always more underneath the surface.

Whale watching is not for people who need instant gratification. It requires patience, it requires endurance, it requires hope. Sometimes you’ll go out on the boat, wait all day long in anxious anticipation and leave not seeing anything. It’s disappointing, yes. But the whales are there, they just didn’t reveal themselves in the way you expected they would. There’s purpose in the hoping, in the patience, in the endurance.

God is for us. His love is unconditional. His hand is at work.

You may not see it. You may not believe it. Your prayers may not be answered the way you hope. You may feel empty.

“Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

Your faith is in who God is, not what you see. He is steady, and He shows up.

Keep waiting, keep hoping, keep watching.

Chelsea Vaughn